Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic imaging technique that produces cross-sectional images of your body. Unlike CT scans, MRI works without radiation. The MRI tool uses magnetic fields and a sophisticated computer to take high-resolution pictures of your bones and soft tissues. Our wide-bore model MRI machine alleviates the claustrophobia some patients feel with a closed smaller bore model MRI.

Preparing for an MRI:

  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your MRI or injection appointment.
  • Examinations may take 45 minutes.
  • Eat and drink normally. However, keep in mind that it may be easier to relax if you do not drink too much liquid immediately before the scan.
  • Take your regular medication unless your doctor instructs otherwise.
  • Notify the staff immediately and PRIOR to the scheduled day if you are on oxygen. You will need to contact your oxygen provider to obtain an MRI safe oxygen tank for the test or we will need to schedule at an alternate location.
  • Wear comfortable clothes without metal fasteners. You will be provided an examining gown.
  • Notify the staff if you have metal in your body (e.g., welding or cutting shavings, or shrapnel).
  • Notify the staff as early as possible if you have any health aids or appliances (e.g., pacemaker, hearing aid, dental bridges, clips, implants or surgical staples) or if you are pregnant.
  • We suggest you place your valuables, wallet or handbag in a secure place prior to entering our facility. However, we do have lockers available.
  • Wearing eye shadow or mascara is not recommended. 

MRI Patient Questionnaire
