I have been to many different doctors for my juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, which I've had since I was two years old. I have had both ankles replaced, and both tibias broken and reset. My left knee has also been replaced and my right femur was broken, so now I have a rod. All this was done prior to seeing Dr. McAtee after my previous doctor retired, and I was very skeptical before the visit. But it was time to get my left hip replaced. I was very scared…new surgeon, new hospital, new anesthesiologist.

Dr. McAtee and staff took the time to explain everything. They even had to order a special hip joint, because of all the damage mine was in. I spoke with the financial advocate, who told me exactly what I needed to pay. Then the nurse from the hospital called and told me everything I needed. The day before my surgery, the anesthesiologist called — which was a first. All of this helped put me at ease. The day of surgery, Dr. McAtee and the anesthesiologist came in beforehand, once again making sure everything was just right. After coming out of surgery, I felt great! No pain, no sickness after — just an amazing experience. And the surgical center was the BEST PLACE I EVER STAYED! (And I've been to a lot of places.) The nurses were amazing — I never waited for anything!